How to maintain a healthy water intake during winter?

What should you eat to stay healthy?
Established routines were always important to me. I tried my best to manage my time and plan my days and even weeks. Still, it didn't help me feel more productive and, more importantly, happier. And after some time, I came across an article about ways to increase my well-being at work and at home.
Best way to stay healthy
Best way to stay healthy

There was one piece of advice that I remember to this day - to take daily risks. Following this rule helped me not to get stuck in a rut. From that moment, I started challenging myself every day. These risks are healthy and rewarding, for example, setting a tough workout goal for the evening, talking to someone new, trying out a new hobby or even profession, and writing a letter to someone. Whatever pushes you out of your comfort zone.

I want to challenge the people who are reading this right now! If you're ready to accept it, write down 7 reasonable risks and accomplish them over the next week. I want to hear your opinion too. Please share what you liked the most and what new opportunities and impressions it brought to your life.

I work out and eat healthily, but my weight just plateaus.

Sophie, it is time to learn to count. CALORIES. Because if you think you are dieting, even though your weight remains stable,

you are wrong.

There is one possibility where the above statement is wrong: If you are increasing muscle mass while losing fat (in equal weight amounts). But that should be evident by how your clothes now fit. If they’re looser where the fat has fallen and tighter where the muscle has increased, that’s great!

When you say plateau, I hear “I’m not done losing weight yet”.

When you say “I eat healthily” I hear nothing scientific. I know lots of people who eat zero junk and are still overweight. They simply eat more than they need on a regular basis.

All that being said, you need to examine what and how much you are eating, for both calories and nutrients, and also make adjustments where needed.

Ask a trainer how you are and what they recommend regarding your body fat and muscle mass. They can design exercise programs to suit you. A dietitian can help with forming a meal plan that suits your needs and tastes.

In the short term, simply cutting a few more calories from your daily meals may be all you need to start losing weight again IF IT IS NEEDED. You probably don’t need to cut very much from your plate, just a little.

Eliminate excess or added sugars, sodas, and juices- liquid calories don’t get counted easily. Add more exercise to what you are already doing. Go further, faster, longer, with more resistance.

Three are foods I should never eat before working out

Before you start exercising you want your digestive system to be empty.

You not feeling good when you work out which a full tummy.

This type of food you should avoid before exercise

1. Spicy food.

Spicy food
Spicy food

It makes you feel hot right? That's also the same with your digestive system can feel the burn makes your pain and lead to cramps.

2. Fatty food.

Fatty food
Fatty food

Food that contains a high amount of fats can make you feel bloated during exercise because it takes a long time to digest.

3. Fizzy drink

Fizzy drink
 Fizzy drink

This drink should not in the list. Why? It contains a high amount of sugar and lots of gas. You may feel discomfortable during exercising.

How long should I wait until I eat something after a workout and what should I eat?

Top 3 winter foods to help you stay healthy and fit

Right after that, I have a protein drink and then start cooking whatever I'm having for dinner.

The rule of thumb is to eat when you're hungry and not until you're full, just to be satisfied. I eat 5 meals a day 37 going to 38 and still in good shape. Your body tells you what's going on and listen. I prefer to eat natural sugars from fruits, protein from vegetables (broccoli), fish, nuts, eggs, and meat, plus fiber like oatmeal, Greek yogurt, olive oil, and organic apple cider vinegar salad dressing. Salad (with avocado, carrots, fruit, nuts, celery, beets, tomatoes, and cucumbers) with something spicy, cheese, brown rice, bone marrow, pasta, and pickles. Not all in one day but generally stay within that standard.

Green Vegetables and whole grains
 Green Vegetables and whole grains 

There is a reason why particular foods are grown in a particular season, which is to take care of and nourish our bodies in that season.

Thus do include seasonal vegetables like saag, spinach, radish, carrots, peas, etc along with good whole grains such as Bajra, Makki, or multigrain.

Also never run from the good old foods prepared in the traditional way, like Makki roti with saag and desi ghee/white butter

Just make sure that you enjoy the good old foods but never overeat.

Peanut Jaggery Chikki

Peanut Jaggery Chikki
 Peanut Jaggery Chikki 

The goodness of jaggery and peanuts is the best snack or post-sweet meal you can have in winter.

As it helps to keep your body warm and will also satisfy your sweet cravings post-meal.

Again moderation is and will always be the key, never overeat or binge it.

Seasonal Fruits

Seasonal Fruits
 Seasonal Fruits  

Never miss the goodness of local and seasonal fruits that comes in the seasons. Fruits are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals and antioxidants which is good for your body and health. And yes no simple fruit has the power to make you fat, a bad lifestyle has.

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