10 Best Healthy Homemade And Store-bought Snacks For Weight Loss

Healthy Homemade And Store-bought Snacks
Healthy Homemade And Store-bought Snacks

  • Calories: 150-160 (8 oz)
  • Fat: 0.9-2.8 g
  • Carbs: 41-54.2 g
  • Protein: 3-13.4 g

Fresh fruit juice is very refreshing and energizing. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, this is my go-to healthy breakfast.

You can buy it from a local juicer or order it online.

You can also prepare it at home using different fruits or vegetables. Make sure you drink it immediately after making it. You can order juice or store fresh cold-pressed juice to take to work or school.

2. Fruit

  • Calories: 17-215 (1 cup)
  • Fat: 0-0.8g
  • Carbs: 10-28g
  • Protein: 0-11.1g

Fruits with a low to medium glycemic index make a great snack. For example, a small fruit bowl containing apples, muskmelons, and watermelons. The combination looks good, is nutritious, and tastes amazing. You can dress up your fruit bowl with lime juice and sprinkle it with a little pink Himalayan salt, black pepper, and chaat masala. YUM!

3. Green Tea

  • Calories: 0 (8 oz)
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbs: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g

An hour or two after breakfast, if you start to feel hungry and don't want to load up on calories and sugar, try green tea. It contains zero calories and is a great source of antioxidants.

Green tea helps flush out toxins, suppresses your appetite, and prevents microbial infections.

Use pure green tea leaves instead of flavored ones as the latter often contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners, which you should avoid. You can add 4-5 drops of lime juice or Ceylon cinnamon powder or ginger to enhance the taste and aroma of your green tea.

4. Ricotta Cheese With Sunflower Seeds

  • Calories: 160 (½ cup)
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbs: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g

Homemade ricotta cheese is a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Best of all, it's easy to make and can be stored in an airtight container to take to the office or school.

500 ml of full-fat milk (yes, full-fat milk is what you need to lose weight, not skim) in an aluminum saucepan. Remove from flame and add the juice of half a lime. The milk will curdle and separate and float to the surface, leaving the whey (a green liquid) at the bottom. Strain the milk solids and transfer them to a bowl or airtight container. Add 2 teaspoons sunflower seeds and ¼ teaspoon brown sugar. Mix well, and you're all set!

5. Hard-Boiled Egg

  • Calories: 78 (1 boiled egg)
  • Fat: 5 g
  • Carbs: 0.6 g
  • Protein: 6 g

Eggs are a great source of protein and both water- and fat-soluble vitamins. Yolks are a little high in cholesterol, but much less than other junk foods you snack on. Also, you can have two whole eggs per day. So, if you are hungry and want a delicious protein-rich breakfast that will keep you full for at least another hour, eat a whole egg.

You can either have it as it is or sprinkle some salt, black pepper, and chili flakes. It is portable and has a long shelf life.

6. Tangy Moong Sprout Salad

  • Calories: 70 (1 bowl)
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbs: 13 g
  • Protein: 7 g

Tangy Mung Sprout Salad is not only delicious but also a great way to curb your hunger and cravings for a spicy blend of flavors. I swear, it will lift your mood right after the first bite.

All you have to do is soak the mung bean sprouts in a bowl of water overnight. Chop half a small onion and half a medium tomato and add a small green chili, 2 tablespoons of chopped cucumber, ¼ teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of cumin powder, and plenty of lemon juice. Mix well and garnish with chopped red chilies. Transfer it to a small airtight container, and your portable, healthy homemade breakfast is ready.

7. Spiced Pineapple

  • Calories: 50 (100 g)
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Carbs: 13 g
  • Protein: 0.5 g

Pineapple has a high glycemic index, but it also contains many vitamins and minerals that you don't get from any other fruit. Although it's color and refreshing smell appeal to an appetite, this fruit can keep you feeling full for a long time.

Cut the pineapple into chunks, add lime or orange juice, freshly ground black pepper, a teaspoon of honey, and pink Himalayan salt. Toss well, and it's ready to eat.

8. Quaker Instant Oatmeal Express Cups

Calories: 180 (1 cup)

Fat: 2.5 g

Carbs: 36 g

Protein: 4 g

Whether you are traveling, working, studying, or just do not find the time to have a quick breakfast, instant oatmeal cups are a convenient option. It is best to have this as a small meal between the bigger meals to keep yourself full until the next meal time. High in fiber, and zero cholesterol, plus it aids weight loss. What else can you ask for?

9. RX Bar Coffee Chocolate

  • Calories: 210 (1 bar)
  • Fat: 9 g
  • Carbs: 23 g
  • Protein: 12 g

This is a whole food protein bar that contains egg whites, dates, nuts, and other natural ingredients like blueberry and cacao. Satiate your taste buds and have a great time enjoying a protein bar that is as good as a chocolate bar.

10. Cucumber Slices

  • Calories: 47 (1 cucumber)
  • Fat: 0.3 g
  • Carbs: 11 g
  • Protein: 2 g

Crunchy, watery, and fresh-smelling cucumber slices can add zing to your post-breakfast snack time. The water in the cucumbers helps rehydrate the cells, quenches your thirst, and soothes the digestive system.

Slice the cucumbers. Dab off the excess water with a kitchen towel and transfer them to an airtight container. If you want, you can add a slice of lime and half a teaspoon of black salt later when you want to snack.

I lose weight without doing exercise

You don't have to exercise to lose weight, although you should. If you don't like it, I recommend changing the reason for the dislike. I hated exercise when I was younger because of some difficult childhood experiences in phys ed classes. But once I changed them, exercise became fun and something I could look forward to.

To answer your question, the best way to lose weight is to find the real, underlying causes, eliminate/change them and the weight will come off automatically. Once that happens, you'll need exercise to get your body in shape to look better.

I lose weight quickly

As a person that has been struggling with her weight since childhood, I can tell you, there is no definite answer. I'm sure you have heard this a lot, but what worked for me is not necessarily going to work for somebody else. Losing and maintaining weight is almost a science, a lot of trial and error, but I can give you a few pieces of advice:

1. You can fail. This is not bad, you just have to check what you were doing, and change what may be making you fail. As I said, trial and error.

2. Diet is more important than exercise when is about losing weight. Exercise will help you maintain your losses, but a correct diet is key for losing anything in the first place.

3. Use a calorie tracker. One of the main problems people face is that they underestimate how many calories are they eating, and overestimate how many are they burning up with exercise. Do you think that piece of chocolate cake is going to disappear with 30 min of running? Check a calorie counter for both, you'll be amazed (and maybe, scared). There are many free calorie counters for mobile, I use My Fitness Pal, it helps you to establish goals, and how much should you eat and exercise daily to meet them.

4. If you 'sin', don't punish yourself too hard. Trust me, it makes it worst, it makes you feel like you already screw up, you may as well go all the way. Don't. You made a mistake, you're human, shake it up, and resume your work.

5. Don't starve yourself. You shouldn't lose more than 1 or 2 lbs per week, more can be harmful to your heart.

6. Inform yourself about your body, nutrition, training, exercises, foods, and all that is involved. The more you know, the better. Be careful though, this is still a very shaky subject, what is useful today may be harmful tomorrow. Don't believe everything you read until you have double and triple-checked first.

This is all I can tell you that is not too specific. Remember to keep track of what you do, so if something is not working you can tell what is it, and change it.

I stop eating junk food

I'll tell you as someone who also struggles with "clean eating": there is no secret. There is no "fits-all" solution. You have to experiment and find what works for you...some people go cold turkey, and others gradually reduce the amount. Some people swear to themselves that they will never eat junk food again, and they do. Others fail.

You may never try to buy it again. But how do avoid social gatherings where this type of food is common? I can decide what's in my kitchen. But I can't tell my co-workers or friends to stop buying things they like, can I?

I'm still on a binge, gobbling up everything in sight. I'm still finding my balance. There is one thing I try that sometimes works for me. Before you eat something, visualize yourself actually eating it. Imagine everything. How you take it, how you cut it. Imagine the texture, taste, and consistency. All in all, after I do this, the temptation goes away. Usually, not always. But try it, see what happens.

you lose 4 pounds in a week without compromising your health

Losing 4 pounds
Losing 4 pounds 
Losing 4 pounds means losing about 14,000 calories per week—or running a 2,000-calorie deficit per day. This is all that many people need to maintain body weight. Also, if you want to maintain lean body mass, you'll need adequate protein intake (losing enough lean body mass can be harmful or even dangerous). So now, you're looking at both a substantial calorie deficit and a lot of exercises to maintain this level of weight loss. Some young people _maybe_ do this with a meat/fish/poultry and vegetable diet, careful supplementation, and 60-90 minutes of fairly vigorous exercise per day. Exercising at this level is something that most people need to work on carefully. Some people who are overweight will have a hard time getting there.

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