How the easy ways to check your thyroid gland yourself

What is a thyroid gland?

thyroid gland
thyroid gland

Thyroid gland on its own at home The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ. Butterfly shape located below the larynx Between Adam's apple and the chest His failure is fraught with seriousness. Results of everyone's work How about systems and organs Try yourself Thyroid gland function At home and talk more but First, a few words about Important functions of this body Thyroid function.

Thyroid functions

Despite their small size, The thyroid gland performs the most important function. Functions Ensure proper flow of Metabolic processes due to growth The hormones triiodothyronine T3 and thyroxine t4 maintain a normal temperature. The body controls your production. Energy regulates proportionality. Physical development Responsible for the functioning of the nervous system Stimulates mental activity and Stimulates mental development. Therefore, immunity controls weight. It is important to identify and Eliminate failures in violation of this gland. How to Check Thyroid.

Thyroid functions
Thyroid functions

How to check the thyroid gland with a thermometer?

Using a thermometer during Research in the field of endocrinology American scientist and physician Ford Otto Barnes made a connection between Thyroid condition and a Patient's body temperature The fact is that hormones are produced. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism. Energy production in low activity The thyroid will become body temperature On decrease and increase Test enhancement, Barnes.

tthyroid gland with a thermometer
 thyroid gland with a thermometer

All you need is a hermometer and 10 Minutes of free time in the morning Better to use a test A conventional mercury thermometer for the measurement of Core body temperature Like he is more sensitive to. Hence a more accurate technique Do the test, and get the thermometer ready One night before the mark on the instrument Should not exceed 35 before measurement Degrees Celsius It is important that the thermometer It was at such a distance that you could reach it without getting up. Bed immediately after waking up Armpit temperature Recommended measurement time 10 minutes Write the result for Getting the most reliable Outcome measurement methodology Temperature should be carried out If daily for 70 days Deviations from the norm will be observed. During the specified time Interval is mandatory.

mercury thermometer
mercury thermometer

Book a consultation with a therapist or endocrinologist test results if The temperature is inside Not worth it because such indicators If fits into the routine Temperature below 36.5 degrees Celsius can indicate Hypothyroidism is a pathological condition That is a product of thyroid hormones The gland shrinks If the morning temperature is excessive. The indicator at 36.8 degrees Celsius This may indicate Overproduction of the thyroid hormones gland, which is also a pathology. During this test,

Consider the following factors in women:

1 Reproductive age

2 Slight rise in temperature

3 May occur during ovulation

4 Menstruation and pregnancy

5 The temperature also increases when

6 Infectious disease

In addition to the test with a thermometer to check Thyroid function used Foreign practices, which will be discussed How to Check Thyroid.

How to check the thyroid gland with iodine?

Iron with iron For this test, you will need iodine and a cotton swab with it. Using a cotton swab If apply iodine mesh on the wrist. After 2 to 3 hours the drawing is practically done. Disappearance means your body is feeling.

Iodine deficiency This factor is often caused by thyroid gland dysfunction. There is another version of the test with the use of iodine, they recommend applying 3 iodine lines on the inner arm before going to bed. If only two broad lines remain at the same time, the thin itself will disappear completely or the iodine level in the body will be almost undetectable. If these three lines are absorbed by the skin, the way to postpone going to the doctor is to check the thyroid using water and do a mirror test with it.

How to check the thyroid gland with water and a mirror?

Using water and mirrors helps. Indicate non-compliance with normal p size Thyroid gland Stand in front of the mirror so that In the reflection you clearly see the neck Place your fingers under your throat Start drinking water while looking at Adam's apple. and neck areas If Adam's apple moves while swallowing water.

thyroid gland with water
thyroid gland with water

Easily is a type of routine if movement Cut the CDC If between the yoke the barber hollow and in the throat Finger-swallowing is investigated. A seal or bump indicates this. About enlarged thyroid gland in men Not seen during this test. The Adam's apple increased in two cases. The thyroid and obesity Both options do not look good If immediate treatment is required During swallowing or palpation The thyroid you are experiencing. Pain See a doctor immediately.

How does an endocrinologist check the thyroid?

gland by palpation Sounds uninformative and monotonous. weird, However, endocrinologists are investigating whether The body can identify correctly Is it the right size? There is no way to check for the thyroid gland.

endocrinologist check the thyroid
endocrinologist check the thyroid

How to check the thyroid gland with a tie?

Using a tie This simple diagnostic method is suitable. For men who prefer Business style in clothes That is, wear a shirt and if tie Your favorite tie is starting to squeeze you. Neck Size of a standard shirt collar You have become shorter or have gained more weight. Or the thyroid gland gives you a signal. That it is extended Believe it or not this test. Check yourself or not Just for you, but remember Any discomfort in the area At least the thyroid To warn and to be a cause of appeal Dr., especially in the presence of another symptom of problems with the Thyroid gland.

Symptoms of thyroid disease

For thyroid disease Identify the following specifics Symptoms of disproportionate thickening of the lower extremities Neck sections by increasing size Appearance of thyroid-shaped organ Gland in swallowing In general, the thyroid gland should not. Pain can be seen Palpation of glands Roughness and coarseness Seals in the form of thyroid nodules Gland Formation of transverse skin folds CDC's visible movement disorder with Swallowing in the absence of obesity Redness of the skin Thyroid gland Eyebrow behavior unbearable feeling Hunger due to weight loss Weight gain with habit Diet and excretion Non-specific symptoms that Aggregate with specific giving.

Reason to suspect a malfunction Thyroid gland Among these symptoms are yellow and Dry skin, stool problems, or constipation Diarrhea Low heart rate High blood pressure Sweating Shortness of breath Increased body temperature Background Full health hair loss Fragility and fragility of nails Increased sensitivity to cold Also, changes in thyroid function Glands affect behavior. A person with hyperfunction Irritability is observed Aggression Excessive emotionality Severe mood swings Depression Decreased thyroid function Gland A lethargic patient gets tired easily. Take a medical history and Endocrinologist hormone test Diagnose and make appropriate recommendations.


But you can help your thyroid. Restore hardware functionality. Follow some simple rules. Adequate sleep Full sleep of at least 8 Hours a day is beneficial for the function of all systems and organs, incl Take care of thyroid gland.


thyroid gland and exercise
thyroid gland and exercise

At least four times a week for 30 Minutes to help restore Hormonal balance and Reduce negative stress. Affects the adrenal glands. which the function is trying to compensate for. Kanth Which eventually leads to failures. The ceremony eats right Add foods that contain Vitamin D Whole grains Nuts Root vegetables Fresh fruits and vegetables and J Quit alcohol and smoking See your endocrinologist periodically.


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