Acute otitis media: How it affects the body and its causes and treatment

What complaints bring a patient with acute otitis media to the doctor? OR What will the doctor do with the patient when the diagnosis is "acute otitis media"? OR What awaits such a patient with such a diagnosis?

Acute otitis media
 Acute otitis media

Hello. In this post from my website thediseasesofworld, you will learn what acute otitis media is and how to treat it. Read the post till the end to understand this issue. Acute otitis media is probably the most common disease in both adults and children. It is an inflammation of the eardrum. There are several phases. And treatment is done according to these steps. The first stage is catarrhal otitis, which is characterized by ear congestion, and ear pain, and mostly it does not appear as an independent disease, but the cause of this catarrhal otitis is comorbidities, such as rhinitis, and sinusitis.

In this phase, symptomatic treatment is done

These are ear drops. Antibiotic therapy is not usually recommended. The second stage is acute otitis media. It is already an independent disease, which is also treated symptomatically. Body temperature rises to sub-febrile numbers, characterized by severe ear pain. It also manifests itself as hearing loss. And already at this stage, in addition to ear drops, antibiotics are prescribed.

symptomatic treatment
symptomatic treatment

The third, and fourth steps. These are complications of already acute otitis media, which is already acute suppurative otitis media when pus discharges from the ear. In these stages, antibiotics are unambiguously prescribed, and in addition to conservative treatment, medical manipulation is performed by an otorhinolaryngologist.

What complaints bring a patient with acute otitis media to the doctor?

Such complaints may include hearing loss, ear fullness, ear discomfort, and ear pain. Pain can be severe and throbbing, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, fever up to 37, and often 38 and above.

patient with acute otitis media
 patient with acute otitis media 

Whenever I visit friends, the first question they ask me is not how I'm doing, but what to do if the baby has blocked ears or snot. Of course, I answer that first you need to see a doctor and make an appointment with an otorhinolaryngologist. This should not be delayed, as it may lead to complications. What will the doctor do with the patient when the diagnosis is "acute otitis media"? Such a patient is definitely undergoing otoscopy - this is the study of the external ear.

Middle ear examination is tympanometry.

Hearing is tested - this is audiometry. And a treatment plan is developed. This is a symptomatic treatment - ear drops, painkiller drops, or drops with antibiotics. Breathing through the nose is definitely being restored - these are drops in the nose. Clinical blood tests are also ordered. And based on the results of all studies, antibiotic therapy can be determined.

Middle ear examination
Middle ear examination 

What awaits such a patient with such a diagnosis?

Usually - 5-7 days of incapacity for work. After treatment with an ENT doctor, the prognosis is favorable. Hearing is restored and all ear pain is gone. Alpha Health Center has accumulated extensive experience in treating patients with acute otitis media. Please contact us if you face such a problem. For an appointment with an otorhinolaryngologist.


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