Unexpected causes of head, neck, and shoulder pain

What is meant by pain?

Well, if there is no source of pain? The place where felt, we will tell. About the types, you are called to. Reflection or radiation

What is pain
What is pain

Sinusitis as a cause of headache

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses that fill with sinus air. Continuous nasal ventilation is transferred in patients with chronic sinusitis. 9 times more headache complaints Compared to other people, it is related to excess. Sinus ventilation at the sinus openings is covered with inflamed mucus-filled polyps or displacement. The nasal membrane accumulates in them.

What caused so much?

Increased pressure on the bones of the skull and a hangover headache A headache from an infected sinus is felt in the occipital region Pain in the forehead or in the temple in the eye socket. Increases inflammation of the frontal sinuses. In the morning and when the head is bent forward. The pain disappears after the bone-emptying procedure

What can cause jaw pain from chewing?

Jaw pain when chewing. If the pain first occurs during chewing. Actually, we think it's a toothache, but it's another fairly common one there.

cause jaw pain
cause jaw pain

Causes of lower jaw pain

The trigeminal nerve in the sinuses through which its branches pass. The entire nerve is compressed in the infraorbital. Trigeminal neuralgia, less frequently with a hole in the lower jaw, causes shooting pains that can be clicking on the so-called trigger or trigger points according to the location.

Branches of the trigeminal nerve?

So there is a pain when talking or smiling. Pain caused by pinching of the trigeminal nerve by a tooth is very easy to distinguish from a toothache. It is usually worse at night. Recumbent position Dislocation associated with the bowel Irritation of the sensory nerves Receiving nerve impulses of the limb. Along goes the distance. Along the way, the branching nerves give their branches to other organs. Muscles and skin refer pain to in other parts of the body. Really explain the process of preaching continuity

What pathology indicates shoulder pain?

This may indicate shoulder pain. Pathology of organs is located directly. If you have severe pain in the left shoulder, below the diaphragm, and covered by the peritoneum.

Cause of acute pancreatitis
Cause of acute pancreatitis

Cause of acute pancreatitis

Spleen injury or tumor. An enlarged spleen or inflammation. Fluid irritates the lining of the peritoneum. The lower surface of the diaphragm Passes on the left side. The nerves of the upper neck and neck arise from the cervical plexus. The course not only gives its branches.

Irritation of the right phrenic nerve occurs in the diaphragm but also in the scapula and shoulder muscles. The abdomen is felt more in the right shoulder in cases of choli cystitis column diaphragmatic abscess or rupture-type peptic ulcer in liver diseases.

What are the risks of neck and neck pain?

The pain continues to the upper part of the neck with inflammation in the shoulder girdle and nape lung. From there it is transferred to the spinal cord. Especially the nerves going to the muscles of the neck. The trapezius muscle is stretched from the shoulder blade through the occiput to the areas where the pain appears. The so-called trigger point Prolonged painful related organ disease Pressure can cause pain Nervous course you can do independently Check muscle-bound organ Pressure on these points


When do trigger points appear?

Trigger points still appear. When only one organ is damaged, but Physically he is healthy so the pain in this area shows. Corresponds to a specific organ. This is known as the first symptom of the disease.

Trigger points
Trigger points 
Restoring the health of the organs will eliminate the pain point. Do not apply without a recommendation. Share your advice with a doctor Subscribe to the experience in the comments. Click the Health Saving Channel and Notification Bell to be the first to know about new videos. We appreciate you.

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