How many fruits should I eat a day to help with constipation?

About the benefits of prunes

benefits of prunes
benefits of prunes

Prunes are a treat and delicious at the same time At the same time, they have a real charm of useful Connections Today we are going to talk about the amazing. Benefits of daily use Check out this helpful product video By the end and you will learn to differentiate. Natural harvesting from dry fruits a Subjected to chemical treatment Now the benefits of prunes are scientifically proven.

Strengthening bones and teeth OR How long does pruning take to improve bone density?

Strengthening bones
Strengthening bones

Prunes have been proven to support Normal bone density Preventing osteoporosis in the first place This is due to the high content of Vitamin K in the composition of the product Promotes the accumulation of calcium in the bones. while preventing calcification Blood vessels other than amputation One of the best food sources of potassium and magnesium minerals that prevent Calcium excretion from bones Calculated to maintain normality Adequate bone density Eat only 56 servings per day

The body's antioxidant defenses

One of the richest harvest days Natural sources of antioxidants Antioxidant capacity is 7 times higher. Thanks to the fresh berries Prunes are a powerful Anti-inflammatory action and Ability to prevent damage to cells that often lead to Diseases found Consumption of dry fruits Relieves inflammation in joints and lungs. But prunes have a real secret Chlorogenic acid protects cells. Protecting and preventing brain damage Skin aging has also been proven. Anti-cancer activity cuts one.

Cognitive enhancement

One of the best sources of mineral boron Enhancing cognitive abilities According to the increase in the study Dietary supplemental sources of boron Improve memory and visual motor. harmony Boron also improves performance. Vitamin D and magnesium in addition to prunes Valuable sources of natural vitamin B6 Antidepressant and brain stimulant activities but the primary benefit for the brain is Anthocyanins provide powerful antioxidants. Color the berries blue

vitamin B6
vitamin B6

Compounds help reduce High blood pressure Prevent the death of nerve cells and Improve the inflammatory process in the brain Communication between neurons, especially in Brain regions associated with learning and memory if you are aware of the problem.

Efficient digestion or How can I improve my digestive efficiency?

Feeling sleepy during the day or often. Fatigue, maybe you don't have enough. Fiber Prunes contain a large amount of Both soluble and insoluble Dietary fiber that significantly Increases digestive efficiency and Means more energy Dietary fiber in the composition of prunes

The following are the effects

1st; Nutrient absorption efficiency The substance promotes the development of useful

2nd; Bacteria that live in the large intestine. Absorbs harmful substances.

3rd; Formed during digestion. Improves intestinal peristalsis. Very important for laypeople the work

4th; Reduces the risk of developing diverticulitis Intestinal hemorrhoids and colon cancer 

Weight loss

rid of extra pounds
rid of extra pounds 

Prunes will provide invaluable assistance in Getting rid of extra pounds Because it reduces appetite and allows Keeping feeling full for longer The effect is also associated with fiber, which Increases food bolus volume. Also, cutting reduces fat absorption. Bowel harvesting would be invaluable. 

How can I strengthen my heart and blood vessels?

Supporting your heart and blood vessels Potassium is associated with three conditions. The texture of prunes plays an important role In maintaining a normal heart Rhythm Reduces soluble fiber. Absorption of cholesterol from food Antioxidants prevents oxidation. Cholesterol molecules and protection. By removing blood vessels’ walls  Exposure to free radicals or In other words, the courts are protected from it. Cholesterol plaque formation Despite the sweet taste of prunes Increases blood sugar and insulin levels. Also recommended for blood and Prevention of diabetes

Vitamin and mineral composition

Improving the diet with the cuts you get Additional source of ascorbic Acid and vitamin A that Prevents aging Vitamins B2, B3, and B6 along with vision are very beneficial for brain cells. They prevention from cancer. Prunes also have a mineral composition Also very rich in potassium and boron Prunes contain manganese Supports the health of our joints. Iron in erythrocytes Copper is playing a supporting role

Vitamin and mineral composition
Vitamin and mineral composition

Also, the immune system and magnesium The latter is not only good for health Bones showed a study of Russian 75 percent of Russians are nutritionists with Magnesium deficiency is experienced. A similar situation is observed in all. The world, it is because of the fact that people are all. Use more semi-finished products. Refined and chemically processed Products in the manufacture of which The mineral is lost are The most innocent thing that causes loss. Magnesium is fatigue Irritability and insomnia Chronic deficiency of this trace element Nutrition leads to more serious

Consequences include osteoporosis Loss of elasticity of the vascular wall Increased blood pressure Heart disease Thrombosis Diabetes. Diabetes Prunes contain 41 mg of magnesium. To make every 100 gm A very valuable additional resource. These minerals apart from bar-in-composition Prunes help the body absorb and use magnesium more efficiently.

How to choose a quality harvest?

When choosing prunes, pay attention To the following, it is better to choose with dry fruits Fruits as pits are pitted External damage is more They suffer from frame rot and Harmful bacteria and microorganisms Good harvests have a pleasant smell. Without a hint of smoked meat to the touch quality harvest Mrs. you and Flexible when pressed, it does not lose Form
choose a quality harvest
choose a quality harvest

To accelerate modern manufacturers Drying and beautifying the cuttings Commodity Appearance Processes Harmful chemicals and Color but you can easily distinguish Pure prunes from processing Fill with water using the following method Room temperature A few fruits and leave for 20-30 Minutes real raw chemistry Pruning will turn white in some places. If the product has been chemically treated and During coloring, the accent will not change its color.

Everyone should observe excessive measurements It will not come from eating prunes Beneficial, but conversely causes diarrhea. Bloating for profit Prunes are enough to eat Start slowly with one piece a day Gradually increase the portion of prunes Can be used in its pure form And as part of other dishes Amazing dried fruit is different Universal flavors it can be added Both sweet and meat or vegetable Pots do not apply any recommendations. 

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