How tendons and ligaments help skeletal muscles contract.

Roles of Tendons and Ligaments are bands of tender and minute open tissue (from the chin). Med-ins are tough (1) bands that attach muscles to bones. When a muscle contracts, the tendon exerts a tensile force on the attached bone, resulting in two movements. Ligaments are strong but flexible ligaments that connect one bone to another at joints. Their muscles protect the bones from dislocation at the joints.

Muscles and Movement

We know that when bones move at joints, movements occur in the body. Movements in the bones are caused by the contractions of the skeletal muscles, which are attached to them with the help of tendons. The wall of cell Muslim by the following method It gets done. One end of the scleral muscle is always attached to an immobile bone. This side of the cell is called the origin. The other end of the muscle is connected to a moving market and is called insertion. When you don't When the nerve impulse stimulates a muscle, it becomes shorter and thicker. Because of this contraction, it pulls the moving bone away from the insertion site
Muscles and its Movement
Muscles and its Movement

Skeletal issues are generally in the form of pairs, called antagonists. Both of them are working against Muslims. When one muscle contracts, the other relaxes. Working in the opposite direction is called antagonism. When a muscle contracts and bends a joint, it is a flexor muscle and this movement is called flexion. When a muscle straightens the joint, it is called the extensor muscle, and this movement is called extension. An example of a pair of skeletal muscles having their own guanosine action is shown below.

On the upper arm, there is a flexor muscle called biceps, while behind the arm there is an extremity muscle called triceps. Both of these muscles are on the biceps curl, while their insertions are on the midline of the forearm (below the company). When the biceps contracts, the anterior arm (the edge of the insertion) is pulled upward. This is called elbow joint flexion. During this flexion, the triceps relaxes. When the tri-fifty is finished, the next leg comes back down. It is an extension of the elbow joint. During this extension, the bypass relaxes. Thus, the hilum and triceps form a pair of ana globular muscles. Pairs of similar opposites are responsible for nearly all of Cecchini's movements.

The neck joint between the vertebral column and the head allows side-to-side movement. Can you imagine if this is a ball? And. What if there was a socket joint?

It is important to note that muscles can only stretch or contract. Most of the activities in our body like standing, walking, swimming, playing, etc. require the collective actions of many muscles.

Disorders of Skeletal System

The following diseases are important in skeletal muscle.


It is a bone disease in adults, especially older people. The rate of this disease is higher in older women. Loss of calcium and phosphorus in osteoporosis reduces bone density. This may be due to malnutrition (lack of proteins and vitamin C), lack of physical activity, or lack of estrogen hormone. In old age, the secretion of growth hormones decreases and this also leads to less deposition of minerals in the bone matrix.

Osteoporosis disease
Osteoporosis disease


Arthritis literally means "inflammation in the joints". This disease is also common in the elderly and especially in women. In this condition, the joints become cracked and stiff (especially weight lifters). Joints (e.g. elbow joint, nail joint, etc.) In the treatment of arthritis, painkillers, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory medicines are used. There are many types of arthritis, e.g.

Arthritis disease
Arthritis disease


Arthritis caused by the reduction or loss of cartilage on the joint or the reduction of friction-reducing substance (lubricant) is called osteoarthritis. In this, the bones on the joint can be integrated with each other. In such a case, the joint becomes completely immobile.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

In this, there is inflammation in the joints. Its symptoms are fatigue, low-grade fever, and joint pain.

3 Gout

In this arthritis, uric acid crystals accumulate in the active joints. This arthritis usually attacks the joints of the toes

One of the functions of the female sex hormones esters and gins is to deposit minerals in the bones. When the reproductive cycle stops in women, the excretion of esters and gins is very less.

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