How the Skeleton System Functions: The Types of Joints

Large organisms need support to keep their body mass asa a unit. It is needed. This is a much bigger reality for living beings living on earth. We know that motion and displacement ie Locomotion is characteristic of animals. "Movement" is a general term meaning the whole Do not change the place or position of the body or its parts. Movements are of two types: movements of body parts and displacement Locomotion refers to the overall movement of an animal from one place to another.

In this article, we will look at the human skeletal system (skeleton). will read about which is primarily responsible for support and movement.

Human Skeleton

skeletal system of human
the skeletal system of human

The skeletal system or the skeleton is also inside the body, skeleton refers to the rigid and articulated structures in the body of animals and some of these involved faces are a framework of the body. This framework provides physical support, external attachment to the striated muscles, and provides protection to the exoskeleton and body. Like other vertebrates, the human exoskeleton is called the endoskeleton. The skeleton found in animals is a living thing. Bones and cartilage are made of living cells and contain nerves and blood vessels. They can also grow and repair themselves.

The role of the Skeleton system

The major functions of the skeletal system are protection, support, and movement. Within the body, the skeleton works together with the musculoskeletal system and helps with movement. Thus, the skeleton also protects several internal organs. For example, the skull protects the brain, the vertebral column protects the spinal cord, and the vertebrae protect most of our other internal organs. The vertebral column also provides the greatest support to our body

Bone and Cartilage

As a whole, the human skeleton consists of a framework of bones, but in some places, there is also a skeleton along with this framework.


The cottage is a thick, bluish-white, transparent solid (connective) developed (but less strong than Budi). Karin cells are called chondrocytes. Every. The fluid within the matrix of the Cartilage A space filled with fluid is within the lacuna. Collagen fibers within the collagen matrix. There are also Blood whistlers that do not enter the seed. Cartilage. There are three types.

Hyaline cartilage is strong but flexible cartilage. This Cartilage forms a covering on the edges of long bones and is also found in the nose, lax trachea, and practical tubes.

Elastic cartilage: It is similar in structure to the cartilage of the bone. It is also very strong but has more elasticity due to the presence of collagen fibers as well as elastic fibers. This Cartilage page is found in epiglottis and pinna etc.

Fibrous Cartilage This cartilage is very hard and less flexible It happens because there are very thick pigeon fibers inside it. This Cartilage is found in the intervertebral discs Cartilage seeds and bones are types of animal hybrids. Most connective tissues have a matrix that contains collegian fibers


The densest connective tissue in the body is bone. Bones not only move, support, and protect many parts of the body, but they also make red blood cells and white blood cells and store minerals. The outer hard shell of a bone is known as a compact bone. Its inner part is soft and porous which is called spongy bone. Inside spongy bone, there are blood vessels and bone marrow.

Like cartilage, the matrix of the mussel also contains collagen. But it also contains minerals, minerals, calcium, and phosphate. We know that the same type of cells is found in the car market. On the other hand, different types of cells are present inside the bone. The mature cells of Hindi are called osteocytes

Andreas Vesalius (Andreas Vesalius): 1514-1564 Vesalius is praised reference for the preparation of modern anatomical studies. He was born in Brussels and he made many discoveries in Annecy, the basis of which were the die-sections of dead human bodies. His book contained the most accurate pictures of all the cells and muscles of man.

When babies are born, they have about 300 soft bones There are A few bones in them that would later join together Thus an adult has 206 hard bones.

Do you know?

The upper jaw (jaw) is attached to the skull and consists of 2 bones. The jaw can move in the jaw and attach to the skull. (in the case of Melinus and Incus in both ears). The resulting compatibility proved to be beneficial for the mammal. In venom with a single bone, the repression is stronger and Silis and Incus also improve hearing. Among the lower vertebrates, the jaw is made up of multiple bones in the jaw, while the jaw is made up of a single bone in the jaw. During evolution, Mills underwent changes in the bones of his lower jaw, and 4 of these bones became the middle ear.

Types of Joints

A joint refers to a place where two or more parts meet. This is by permission of this and Michael makes whole ghee important. Based on the degree of wisdom in the joint, they are divided into each of these types

joints of all types
joints of all types

Immovable (Fixed) Joints

Non-movable (flexible joints) Such joints do not allow movement of the skull.

Joints with little movement

Such joints allow for little movement between the fabric and the vertebral column.

Movable Joints

Such joints perform many types of movements such as the shoulder joint, the hip joint, and the knee joint, and among the many types of these joints in the body, there are three main right joints ( Hinge joints at bull-and-socket points. Inter-joints swing back and forth like a door hinge and move in only one plane. Thick and committee joints. Are young. Hall-and-socket joints that move the tendon in all directions.Elbow and shoulder elbow and shoulder joints.Band site joints.

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