The Top 3 Problems with Nutrition Today and How to Fix Them

Problems related to Nutrition (Malnutrition)

Problems related to nutrition are called malnutrition. Malnutrition is also commonly called undernutrition (undernutrition) which is caused by inadequate intake of food due to poor digestion or loss of net minutes from the body. It is from This term also covers over-nutrition, especially over-eating of all foods.

In general, people suffering from malnutrition either do not get enough calories in their diet or they get a diet that is deficient in protein, vitamins, or trace minerals. Malnutrition weakens the immune system, physical and mental health

As it happens, the ability to think is reduced, the growth is stopped and the development of the child is also affected.

Major Types of Malnutrition Protein-Effect B Malnutrition (protein-energy malnutrition), mineral deficiencies (mineral deficiency diseases), and taking more nutrients (over intake of nutrients).

Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM)

It refers to insufficient availability or insufficient production of effector B and protease in the body. It is a major cause of death among children in developing countries. PEM can cause these affections.

Protein-Energy Malnutrition
Protein-Energy Malnutrition


The disease is caused by protein deficiency around 12 months of age when the baby is weaned. Then it can happen during the growth period of the cute baby. In this, the child's height is revealed, but he is unusually thin.

Marasmus is the darling of dryness.

This cutoff usually occurs between 6 months to one year of age. All the fat and muscle strength in the body of the sick child is lost and the two are left as a single structure. In such children, growth is affected and the limbs appear smaller than their age.

Deficiency diseases

Mineral deficiencies are rare in humans. Here are some examples


Goiter is produced due to the less amount of iodine present in food. Iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make hormones that control thyroid function and growth in the body. If there is not enough iodine in the diet, the thyroid gland increases in size, as a result of which the neck becomes swollen. This condition is called goiter.


 It is one of the most common mineral deficiency disorders. The term anemia literally means blood. This disease occurs when the number of red blood cells decreases from normal. We know that an iron atom is found in the center of hemoglobin molecules. If an adequate amount of iron is not available to the body, an adequate number of hemoglobin molecules are not formed. In this way, the number of active red blood cells also decreases. The patient of this disease is weak and the supply of oxygen to his cells is also less.

Consume more nutrients

This is also a type of mail nutrition. In this, nutrients are taken in excess of the amounts required for normal growth, development, and metabolism. Its effects become more severe when daily physical activity is reduced (energy expenditure is reduced).

Taking too many nutrients can lead to many health problems. For example, consuming too many carbohydrates and fats (lipids) can lead to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Similarly, too much vitamin A in the diet can suppress appetite and cause liver problems Taking too much Vitamin D leads to excess calcium accumulation in various tissues.

Effects of Mal-Nutrition

Prolonged mal-nutrition causes the following problems:

Effects of Mal-Nutrition
Effects of Mal-Nutrition


Starvation refers to a severe lack of nutrients and energy. This is the worst result of malnourishment. Prolonged starvation in humans results in permanent organ failure and death.

Heart diseases

Globally, heart diseases are increasing and one of the causes of these diseases is malnutrition. People who eat an unbalanced diet (high in fat) have a higher risk of heart disease.


Because of bull nutrition, people's meal times are often irregular Many health-related problems arise, one of which is constipation


A fat foot means more weight than the nose, and one of the reasons for this is miles Nutrition can also be. People who eat foods that contain more calories than they need and do little physical activity can become obese. Obesity is called mother disease and it can cause heart diseases, hypertension and, diarrhea, etc.

The main cause of malnutrition

Qat means that there is not enough food in an area to feed all the people there. Among the worst famines of the 20th century were the Ethiopian famine (1983-85) and the North Korean famine (the 1990s). The major causes of famine are uneven distribution of food, drought, floods, and population growth.

cause of malnutrition
 cause of malnutrition

Unequal distribution of food

Advances in science have enabled man to produce better food in terms of quantity and quality. Today's agricultural practices produce enough food to feed every human being on this earth. But due to political and administrative problems, food is not equally distributed in all regions of the world. . The result is that many countries like America, the United Kingdom, and Canada, etc. have excess food and at the same time people in countries like Ethiopia and Somalia have nothing to eat.


Drought refers to a period of time when sufficient water is not available for human needs and agriculture. The main cause of drought is less than normal rainfall for a long period of time. Drought reduces crop production and can even stop altogether, leading to famine. the flood


Floods are caused by more than normal rainfall or a weak water distribution system. Rivers and canals overflow their banks and damage the soil quality of agricultural land. Crops are impossible to grow immediately after the flood has passed. Thus, floods cause short-term famines.

Increasing population

Despite the increase in food production globally, millions of people get less food. In overpopulated areas of the world, these populations overuse their natural resources to produce more food and to cope with food shortages. As a result, the lands become dry and barren and the natural resources are also exhausted. In such conditions, crops cannot be grown anymore and famine occurs.

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