The Scope and Significance of Biotechnology in the Food and Agriculture Sector


Biotechnology is developing as a distinct science in recent years. It has attracted the attention of scholars from various fields like agriculture, medicine, microbiology, and organic chemistry. The scope of biotechnology is so wide that it is difficult to identify its boundaries. The following are some of the areas where biotechnology is applied.


The impact of biotechnology in the field of medicine

In the field of media, biotechnologists produced insulin and interferon (interferon antiviral proteins) from bacteria and Introduced them to the market for sale. Also produced a large number of vaccines and antibodies, human growth hormones, and other drugs Apart from the median, many enzymes used in industries are also being developed. Gene therapy (gene) Gene therapy has gained importance in recent years, also in forensic medicine Biotechnology has proved to be very beneficial. Studying DNA helps identify criminals.

Biotechnology in the food and agriculture sector

Using micro-organisms, mixed food (e.g. pickles, tea, etc.), malted food (e.g. powdered milk, barley, wheat) (A mixture of milk and whole milk) various vitamins and dairy products are prepared. In the industry of beverage beer and wine are ready. Biotechnology has also revolutionized the creative activities of the agriculture sector. Transgenic Organisms whose genes have been altered in a set-up (plants) are being developed that have desirable characteristics such as more Production and resistance to pests, pesticides, and herbicides. Transjuvic goats, Murphys, and cows were bred

They are so that food, milk, etc. can be gained in high amounts. Many animals such as cattle, goats, etc. were also raised to make transfers and have gone to obtain medicines through their blood, milk, or urine.

Biotechnology in the field of Food and Agriculture

Biotechnology in the food
Biotechnology in the food 

Biotechnologies and the environment

Biotechnology is also being used to deal with many environmental issues, For example, controlling pollution, developing renewable sources of energy, and reducing radiation and pollution With reference to the Afrani of Alaman and Bandar Regeneration and conservation of biodiversity. Fear is also being expressed about the development of bacteria and viruses for the treatment of sewage water.


We know that the oxidation of the glucose molecule is in cellular respiration. undergoes reduction reactions and forms ATP from which Energy is released. Fermentation is the generation in which the complete oxidation of glucose occurs. Reduction takes place. Humans have known the process of fermentation for centuries Yes, but it was considered only a chemical process. In 1857, Pasteur convinced scientists that all types of fermentation, In fact, are the result of the activities of microorganisms. He showed that where fermentation is taking place, there is always micro-organism growth There are two sides. Fermentation has many types own. Fermentation is usually characteristic of a specific group of wort microbes and organelles


By referring to the product that flows out during fermentation, the process is terminated by Ren The initial stages are similar to the stages of respiration. Semalt begins with glycolysis, in which glucose molecule breaks down to form two molecules of pyruvic acid. Different microorganisms modulate gut reactions in different ways run As a result, different types of products are formed from pyruvic acid. Two basic types of carbohydrate fermentation are described further.

Mulk Fermentation (Paste Particles)

Fermentation is done by several types of pastes such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Saccharomyces are very important And it is used to make my bread, beer, wine, and distilled spirit. During this process, Carbon dioxide is extracted from rustic acid. By reduction of the product formed ie acetaldehyde, It becomes dust. The carbon dioxide produced in this fermentation is the reason for the swelling of the bread.

Lactic acid fermentation (by bacteria)

In this process, pyruvic acid is reduced to limnic acid. This process occurs in many bacteria such as Streptococcus (Streptococcus) and Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus). This frontage is very important in the dairy industry where it is used to sour milk (to make curd) and to make different types of cheese.

Formation in biotechnology

Initially, the process of firmness means food (e -leaven, e -ray pickle ma sausage) soy belt soy sauce) (Beer, wine) and used microorganisms to make sprouts. However, the meaning of the term fermentation in biotechnology Microorganisms has to create any product from Culture Culture.

The use of Formation

The forthcoming is gaining maximum benefits of making the desired product of commercial value price. In the past, this Only food and drinks were made by the process. Now many other products are also made of related chemicals.

Fermented dose:

Formation makes the diet more nutritious, zoos, and delicious. It also makes the dose safer, which reduces the need to keep the refrigerator. The following are the following groups of food obtained from the Formation.

Celery Products (Cereal Products):

Yeast bread is the most common product of the grain. The secrets of the wheat are used for secretaries and a few lavage acid bacteria or used.

Dairy Products (Dairy Products):

Monday and the same are the products of the most important order. Milk Protein c (coagulate) while becoming a toe Goes This happens when the acid made of acid bacteria acts with a flight of tour. Make yogurt Other types of lactic acid backers are used. Fermented foods

Fruit and Vegetable Products:

In order to keep the pickles, bridges, and super in them Salt and acid are mixed and folded

Beverage products (Beverage Products):

Grain grains, which are soaked in water, are made of malt, dried And they are repeatedly taken into a powder. Best is made of powder folder, which is the glucose pi rock acid in the powder. I break and then become ethanol. Wine is made from the best of the grapes directly.

use of Formation
use of Formation>/span>
Industrial products

The following are the major industrial products made from the process of the order.

Industrial Products

(Formic Acid)  use micro-organisms (Aspergillus), Textile coloring, rooting, electroplating, and rubber Is used in the preparation

(Ethanol) use micro-organisms (Saccharomyces, Used as solo paint; Vinegar and beverage |

Used in making

(Glyceterol) use micro-organisms (Saccharomyces), Used as solo bint, plastic, cosmetics,

Used in making soap; used in printing happens; Used to produce sweetness

Acrylic Acid uses the micro-organism Bacillus, Used in making plastic

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