A Look at the Urinary System and the Osmoregulatory Function of the Kidney

The Urinary System of Humans

Urinary System of Humans
Urinary System of Humans

The human excretory system is also called the urinary system. It consists of one pair of kidneys, one pair of ureters, a urinary bladder, and one urethra is a part of the urinary system. The kidneys filter the blood to make urine and the ureters carry the urine from the kidneys to the bladder. And the urinary bladder temporarily stores urine before expelling it from the body. And you have a duct that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body.

Structure of Kidney

The kidneys are dark red iron seed-shaped organs. The length of the kidney is 10 cm, and the width of the kidney is 5 cm and the 3cm thickness of the kidney is 4 cm and the th3 weighs of kidney about 27 grams. The kidneys are located in the body along the back wall of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm, and each kidney is attached to one side of the vertebral column. Our last two ribs of the body protect the kidneys from any external force.

The right kidney in the human body is slightly lower than the left kidney. The concave surface of the kidney is towards the naval column. On this side, near the middle of the kidney, there is a pit called amicus (hilus). This is the point where the ureter leaves the kidney and other organs, namely the blood vessels, the lymphatic vessels, and the rose.

Enter or exit the kidney. A longitudinal section shows two sections within the kidney. The
renal cortex is the outer part of the kidney and its color is deep red. The renal medulla is the
inner part of the kidney, and its color is pale red. renal Medwala consists of many pyramidal parts called renal pyramids. The pointed edges of all renal pyramids protrude into a cup-like cavity called the renal pyramids. The renal pelvis is the broad edge of the kidney and the beater itself That is the base of the ureter.

The nephron is a very important part of the kidney. There are more than 100,000,000 Allergens in each kidney. Corpuscle and tubule: 
The renal corpuscle (renal corpuscle) is not clap-shaped and its two parts
Glomerulus and Bowman's capsuleThe glomerulus is a shell of blood capillary buzz while the botanic capsule is a cup-like structure in which The glomerulus surrounds the back.

The renal tubule is the valve-like part of the kidney that begins after the butane capsule. Its
first part is a very convoluted canal. The next part is a "" shaped duct called the loop of Henle.Top The last part of the rail tube bevel after off-blue is then a bulging groove.
The last altars of many barons meet in a collecting duct. Many king ducts join together and
thus hundreds of papillary ducts open into multi-petal petals.

Kidney function

Making urine is the basic work of our kidneys. This work is completed in three stages. The first step is pressure filtration. When blood enters the kidney through the renal arteries, it passes through many arterioles and then into the glomeruli. Salts, glucose, and urea come out of the capillaries of the glomerulus under pressure. All this material goes into Bowman's capsule. And now it is called the glomerular filtrate.

The second stage of kidney function is selective Re-instrument is selective re-absorption. In
this step, almost all of the contents of the glomerulus filtrate are reabsorbed by the cells
around the retinal vesicles. This function is osmosis, diffusion, and active. It is done by means of transport. Some water and most of the glucose are reabsorbed from the first convoluted part of the tubule. Here salts are reabsorbed by cotransport and then water is also
reabsorbed by osmosis. Water is absorbed from the bottom channel of the loop-off panel
while the salt return is absorbed from the channel above it. The last bulging part of the tube
bevel then draws back the water allows.

The third step is tubular secretion. Is. Many ions, creatinine, urea, etc. are separate from our blood into the renal tubule. Its main purpose is to balance the pH of the blood (7.35 to 7.45). It has to be kept. After these steps, the filtrate in the renal tubule is called urine. Excretion goes into the ducts and then into the kidneys. It comes in after the renal pelvis.

The osmoregulatory function of the kidney
osmoregulatory function
osmoregulatory function 

Osmoregulation refers to maintaining the concentration of water and salts in the blood and
other body fluids at a normal level. Kidneys play an important role in osmosis by controlling the amount of water in the blood. This is an important process because the excessive loss of water concentrates body fluids, while excess water in the body dilutes body fluids. Makes a dilute solution.

When there is excess water in the body fluids, the kidneys dock (up to hypnotic) Makes urine. Fall for this purpose. Capillaries filter more water into the butane capsule. It is reabsorbed and the urine becomes dilute. The amount of water in the flounder decreases and becomes normal.

When body fluids are deficient in water, the kidneys filter less water through the capillaries of the glomeruli, and reabsorption of water is increased. Less filtration and more re. Urination produces thin and concentrated (hypertensive) urine. This increases the amount of water in body fluids. It becomes more normal. All of these are controlled by hormones.

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