3 Signs You May Have Diabetes and How to Treat Them

3 Signs You May Have Diabetes and How to Treat Them
3 Signs You May Have Diabetes and How to Treat Them

If you have type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, you can reverse it by making lifestyle changes. He reversed 15 years of diabetes in 12 months. Previously, I was taking medicine worth Rs 1800 per month.  is currently zero. Still, fasting blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dl and two hours after eating he is less than 140 mg/dl. 

You can make the following changes: 

Eat only twice a day. Besides, it's just water. Do not eat tea (except green tea), coffee, soft drinks, prasad (small offerings), cookies or chocolate, paan (prana leaves), sweets, pizza, noodles, bread, cookies, fruit juices, or junk food. Close. etc. Reduce your intake of grains such as wheat, rice, and millet, and include almonds, walnuts, peanuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and watermelon seeds. Add eggs to your diet. They provide excellent nutrition without adding carbohydrates to your diet. You can have chicken and fish. You can also avoid grains completely in a drug-free state as long as your fasting blood sugar is below 125 mg/dl. Eat plenty of lettuce and greens grown in the ground, including leafy greens. When measured raw, it can be up to 500-600 g per day.

However, they do not eat potatoes, yams, yams, sago, etc. Eat only moderate amounts of fruit (less than 250 grams per day). Avoid mango, teak (spot), and sea tempura (custard apple). Initially, you can also avoid fruit until the drug is significantly reduced. Do aerobic exercise. Walk 6,500 steps (5 km) daily within an hour. The more you walk, the better.

However, this is not necessary for those who cannot walk extensively. Do what you can. If you take medication, check your HbA1c level monthly and ask your doctor to reduce your medication whenever it drops below 6. Otherwise, you'll end up with an overdose. H. Hypoglycemia. If the above tips are followed strictly, he will recover from diabetes in 9-12 months. How I did it. Please continue this lifestyle forever.

Diabetes curable

With all of the diabetes research and breakthroughs in diabetic therapies, it's easy to believe that a diabetes cure has been discovered by now. However, there is no cure for diabetes, whether it is type 1 or type 2. (but, on positive occasions, lifestyle modifications can bring about type 2 diabetes remission.

however, there are treatments that could make a huge impact, including primary each day sports.

no matter the truth that there's no cure for diabetes, it is able to be handled and controlled, and a few people can even move into remission. To effectively control diabetes, you must do the following:

No.1 Maintain a healthy blood sugar level. realize what to do every day to help them to stay as close to every day as feasible: Glucose degrees have to be checked on a normal basis. make sure you're taking your diabetes remedy on an ordinary foundation. In addition, medicine, exercise, stress management, and excellent sleep habits should be used to balance your food consumption.

No.2 Make a menu plan for each meal. As much as possible, stick to your diabetes dietary plan.

No.3 Bring along some healthy snacks. You'll be less prone to eat empty calories as a snack.

No.4 Exercise on a regular basis. the workout continues you active, burns calories, and helps you keep a healthy blood glucose degree.

No.5 holds all of your medical doctor's appointments. Your doctor, diabetes educator, ophthalmologist, dentist, podiatrist, and other health care experts are among those who can help.

3 Signs You May Have Diabetes and How to Treat Them
3 Signs You May Have Diabetes and How to Treat Them

People with type 1 diabetes 

People with type 1 diabetes need to balance what they eat and drink with their insulin medications to keep their blood sugar levels in the right range. Follow these

1. Whole Grains 

2. Andean millet 

3. oatmeal 

4. fruits 

5. vegetable 

6. beans 


8. egg 

low-fat dairy  

 You can eat this for type 1 diabetes, which definitely helps keep your sugar levels in check. Diet for Type 2 Diabetes 

 People dealing with type 2 diabetes can follow the list below. 

 vegetables. maintain sugar levels in your body  

beans and legumes. Lentils and different legumes are extremely good assets of protein. . ... fruit

1. full grain 

2. dairy products 

3. meat 

4. fish 

 Dressings, dips, spices, and condiments. ...dessert dishes. Some foods/dishes are common in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

5 Foods and Drinks Diabetics Should Avoid  

 1. Drinks with Added Sugar 

Sugary drinks are the worst drinks for diabetics. First, it's high in carbohydrates, with 38.5 grams in a 12-ounce (354 mL) can of Coke. 

Each serving of sweetened iced tea and soda contains more than 45 grams of carbs that consist entirely of sugar. 

 2: Pasta, bread, and rice 

Blood sugar levels have been shown to rise dramatically in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes when they eat bread, bagels, and different merchandise crafted from refined flour. This reaction is not limited to refined wheat flour-based products. One study found that gluten-free pasta raised blood sugar levels, with rice-based pasta being the most effective. 

3. Sugared breakfast cereals  

If you have diabetes, cereal is one of the worst ways he can start his day.  Most cereals are highly processed and contain far more carbohydrates than many consumers realize, despite health claims on the label. To control, skip most cereals and opt for a protein-based, low-carb breakfast. 

4. flavored coffee beverages 

Coffee is associated with many health benefits, including reducing the risk of diabetes.  Flavored coffee drinks, on the other hand, should be considered liquid treats, not healthy drinks. 

5.  French fries

French fries are one of the foods she should avoid if she is diabetic. Potatoes are very high in carbohydrates. A medium-sized potato contains 34.8 grams of carbohydrates and 2.4 grams of fiber. On the other hand, potatoes, when peeled and fried in vegetable oil, do more than raise blood sugar levels.

Get Rid of Diabetes (Type II)

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December 2019. He immediately started treatment. Then I changed his cola to cola with no sugar. Significant reduction in alcohol consumption. I started eating the foods recommended by my local diabetes association. Example: Update white rice with brown rice. Substituted white bread for corn crackers.

My plate is a half vegetable, quarter meat, and quarter carbohydrates. And then there's one more strange treat. 

Dress size down by 4, going from super obese to just obese I've extra electricity my knees no longer harm... Other 

I stopped taking my diabetes medication about 8 weeks ago. I had a blood test 2 weeks ago and found that my blood sugar was high. Therefore, you will have another free test within three months to confirm that you have type 2 diabetes.

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