महिलाओं के लिए सबसे अच्छा वजन घटाने की भोजन योजना क्या है?

Weight loss for women
Weight loss for women
महिलाओं के लिए वजन घटाने

13 kg in six months.

After the blood test, so I made a difficult decision, most of the standards were illegal, a decision that I had pondered for a long time, and even severe tuberculosis that kept me awake all night. did not come So I switched to a low-carb diet, pretty much.

I had a family that hated the waste of carbohydrates and sugar is a real addiction, I personally needed carbohydrates and capsicum goddesses, and it wasn't easy.

That leaves me alone to buy pizza on Friday or Saturday, so I skip sugar, bread, pasta, and rice.

I replaced carbs with vegetables, 2 servings of different fruits and seeds, 2 or 3 nuts and dried figs, sometimes two hard-boiled eggs, white or red meat vegetables or fish or eggs for lunch and dinner. There are always hatches. or pancetta, and then cheese aged more than 30 months and 90/100% extra dark chocolate

 Going for a walk, I also started doing some exercise.

In three months, I went from 50 to 48, I lost about 3 kilos but not too much, and I was stronger in the back. I started losing weight and size, and over the next 5 months, I lost 10 pounds, then after the third month, changed to a size 46.

Complete blood test. BMI 22 and above on power.

सबसे प्रभावी प्रोटीन सप्लीमेंट क्या हैं?
Protein supplements
Protein supplements
Protein supplements are taken to easily manage daily protein intake. Anyone can take protein supplements, girls or boys. These are generally safe.
A big rule of thumb is a caloric deficit for weight loss - your body eats a lot of calories in a day to run. But your weight loss can cause you to lose muscle mass. If you want to build strong muscles in your body, you need good protein to eat. With a calorie deficit, muscle stimulation, and adequate protein intake, you can reduce the loss of muscle mass.

Stay in a calorie deficit, keep your protein intake adequate, engage in resistance training, and over time you'll see your weight drop, largely due to fat loss.

3 आसान चरणों में तेजी से वजन कैसे कम करें?

The "weight loss advice" I give to young people who come to me for help is sometimes not what they want to hear.

It doesn't matter how old you are to lose weight and fat. Let's face it, no one is going to drive your weight loss journey but you.

It's okay to go on a weight loss journey as a teenager. You just need to make a detailed plan of how you are going to go about your trip. You will need to make some decisions.

The first tip is to journal everything you eat and when you eat it. You need to know what you are eating. Sometimes we don't pay attention to it and it creates a lot of unnecessary problems.

The next tip I can give you is to start drinking 1 gallon of clean water a day. I wrote an article about this on my blog and you should read it if you are serious about losing weight as a teenager.

Although there are many tips that I can give you, the last one is that you must do some kind of physical activity. If you hope to lose weight, you need to put down the phone and stop the creeping fads.

I told you, that some of the things I recommend may not be what you want to hear but you should do the latter if you want to be successful in your weight loss journey.

Please check out all my other articles and content on my Teen Weight Loss Help blog specifically for teens who want to lose weight, the link is in my profile. Please share this answer and my profile links with all your social media, contacts, and groups so you can help them start their journey and succeed.

 Weight loss tips for a slightly overweight 15-year-old girl

weight loss tips
weight loss tips
Because crash diets can wreak havoc on your metabolism, they can harm your weight loss efforts in the long term. When you start your diet, remember that slow and steady weight loss gives you real benefits in the long term. In addition, both exercise and diet are important for long-term weight loss and your overall health.
Find times to incorporate daily activities and healthy food choices into your life. However, the key to weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you burn. For most people, it is possible to reduce calorie intake more than burn more calories through exercise.

So, we'll start with your meal plan first and then come to physical activity.

Diet plan:

  • Reduce your calorie intake. Eat smaller portions. The ideal wait time between meals should be three hours.
  • Avoid refined carbs.
  • Avoid sweeten food, packaged fruit juice, and beverages.
  • Add healthy fat.
  • Consume more protein and vitamins.
  • Drink 2-3 liters of water daily.
  • Consume products that are rich in fiber.
  • Start the day with a healthy breakfast.

**If you want a personalized diet chart for weight loss, consult a dietitian.

एक आहार विशेषज्ञ आपको आपके पोषण संबंधी लक्ष्यों, भोजन वरीयता, समय, सही कैलोरी मात्रा और भाग मात्रा के आधार पर एक व्यक्तिगत आहार चार्ट प्रदान करेगा।
शारीरिक गतिविधि योजना:

अगर आप साइकिल चलाना जानते हैं, तो इसे रोजाना कम से कम 20-30 मिनट तक करें। साइकिलिंग एक बेहतरीन कार्डियो वर्कआउट है।
रोजाना 3000 कदम चलें। टहलना भी एक बेहतरीन कार्डियो एक्टिविटी है। जब आप सहज हों तो अपने कदम बढ़ाएँ।
रोजाना 30 सीढ़ियां चढ़कर सीढ़ियां चढ़ें। प्रत्येक अगले सप्ताह चरणों की संख्या बढ़ाएँ। हो सके तो लिफ्ट से बचें।

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